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Friday Distractions: June 17, 2016

This week was a tough one you guys. Shootings in Orlando in the happiest of dancing places, a gay bar, and then a politician gunned down in the UK. Horrific. We're headed to the Gay Pride Parade in Vienna on Saturday and I'm hoping it will be a chance to share in solidarity and celebrate life and love.This Friday's distractions are a mixed bag of things to ease your mind and reactions to a weird weird weird week. Here's to better days ahead. 

Fuck your prayers for Orlando. 

As ever, Geraldine from the Everywherist has a poignant response to the shootings. 

Rounding out the Orlando topic, 'Only the Onion can save us now'

Lin Manuel Miranda won the Tony for Hamilton, then gave the best possible acceptance speech in SONNET FORM because he is making all the nerdy stuff from high school cool again. Warning: You will tear up.

This is a very real, VERY ANNOYING thing. Those fucking clear blue adverts. I haaaaate these ads, and Rebecca captures the frustration perfectly.

Summer survival tips from The Touristin, How to have a BBQ in a public space in Germany

I read Cheryl Strayed's book Wild a few months ago, and was tinkering with the idea of a long walk/hike. Now this post from Candice has me pondering the Camino pilgrimage next year. I followed her whole trek on Snapchat and it looked brutally beautiful! Should we do it guys? Holy crap, am I embracing the Austrian spirit of walking??

I'm a book nerd and grew up in peak Friends era, ergo, this is delightful Famous novels Retitled Like Episodes of 'Friends'

Last weeks most popular Instagram post, in which the kindness of strangers wins: That's it for this weeks round-up. Keep your eyes peeled early next week as I'm launching something very exciting and I cannot wait to share with you guys! Enjoy your weekend, I'm off to search for the perfect mermaid costume to wear for Pride tomorrow :)