Land of no wifi...

Like clockwork of course, the minute I pledge to write weekly, our internet up and dies for a good few weeks. Part of our personal financial crisis but also mostly part of ridiculous service  by our internet provide. Thus, we were thrust into a home of no wifi. Only when its gone do you realise your dependancy.I tried to deny it for the first two days, pretending I was enjoying "being disconnected" and really soaking up the joys of having "more time to ourselves". Truth? Once the weekend was done, it just got annoying and I became a surreptitious internet rat at work, feeding on morsels I could sneak while no-one was standing behind my desk. I'll admit it, I'm a Facebook dependant - I won"t say addict, because I survive with just a morning and evening fix, but realistically its my main source of news, gossip and connection with home. Being overseas gives me a good excuse anyway! So this is just a quick update to apologise for breaking a pledge to write more and to let you know the next few days we'll be playing catch up with photo's, stories and more thoughts on life in Wien as an expat. The good news is, the sun is here, FINALLY and I cannot wait to get cracking with summer fun!!

Meanwhile a few old summer photo's to build the anticipation of the glory of a European Summer!! This is what it means to me....cannot wait!!


View over Mondsee Lake - our favourite stop en route to Tirol


Sunset in Crete

ImagePoolside in Mykonos


Cliff bars in Croatia


Walk in Wien


Embracing the Everyday Expat Struggle