Austrian Adaptation

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New Year, New Look

The start of a New Year is generally when gyms are crowded, diets are attempted and everyone gets focussed on their goals for 2015. A blank slate with 365 days of promise ahead….you've probably seen a few of these 'inspirational' gems floating around the interwebs on Instagram or Facebook.64b484ff66f4c58a4da521204c5c7fbb644a82a1268fff66c0b0b0ecf0a494f6 

I'd like to tell you that I'm immune to these cheesy influences, but that would be a lie. And lying in January is unlucky according to Pinterest quotes….

cheesy quoteI've had some plans in the works for a while now and lo and behold, January just happens to be the month its all coming together. So today, I'd like to give you all a heads up that the site may look a little different in the coming weeks. I'm planning some fairly exciting 'renovations' to my little blog, so I hope you can bear with me while we tweak a few things in the background. It should mean that in a short while you can come back and visit a shinier, more exciting and interactive blog, with more info, more helpful links and more regular posts.If all goes to plan I'll be back up and running by February, but if things are a little quiet around here, or the site is wonky, it just means we're in the process of a makeover.I cannot wait to share with you guys the new look and feel of Austrian Adaptation, and I'm looking forward to hearing what you think. Fingers crossed the tech gods are on my side and all goes well! Stay tuned for new posts, more categories and a whole new look very soon!dd3fd727421985a02bdd906d66daca95

I had to end with the cheesy hand written quote!