Austrian Adaptation

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Return to Real Life

Its been a while guys, and my only legitimate excuses are...Xmas, returning to Australia, exhaustion and jetlag. Apologies. But really, nothing happens on the internet between xmas and New Years right? Right. 

So, my trip home was wonderful and confronting and cathartic and busy and emotional and difficult and delightful and all manner of things that i'm not ready to write about just yet. I need to let the dust settle a bit and see how I feel upon reflection. Overall it was great, but I‘m happy to be home too.


And thats the big news. Vienna is starting to feel like home. Flying into the (tiny) airport didn't feel like another adventure, it felt like a long exhalation. The sigh of relief you get when you know your own bed is near. So needed after 24 hours in an airplane, especially when preceded by 3 weeks non-stop of trying to see everyone and reconnect. 

I‘d been worried that coming back to Austria would make me more homesick for Melbourne, knowing what I was missing - the sunshine, the familiar haunts, the brunches, the beaches - it would maybe throw Vienna into sharp contrast. But Vienna has its own attractions and it doesn't feel entirely alien to be here anymore. We're building our own lives here and in some ways that's really liberating. Going to Melbourne I'd put a lot of pressure on myself to see everyone, to reconnect, to show S the best of the city, to maintain everything with all my friends and meet other people's expectations. Here I feel a lot more freedom to do things at our own pace, on our schedule and have that bit of space away to create our own world.

I guess that's not entirely fair on ole-Melbourne town. A 3 week visit after 2 years away is always going to be high-octane and unlike living day-to-day in a city. Still. My 'real life' is here for now and strangely, it doesn't seem strange at all.

The big contributing factor that I am ever so pleased to let you know is - I finally got a job. Full time employment. Reality. BOOM. It was confirmed right before we left and I start tomorrow. Official role is Business Travel management with AMEX working for the UN and affiliates. I believe our particular section will be booking for the OSCE. Either way its exciting. And in English! Career development! New office! Lovely people!! Amazing opportunity! I really couldn't imagine any better position to find my feet here. I'm so relieved, so excited for new challenges and SO happy that S no longer has to bear the burden of all of our finances in the New Year.

The real difference though is that my gypsy life is officially over. Topdeck gave me a world of opportunity, the greatest adventure, wonderful friends and amazing experiences and memories. I truly will always be grateful - its the job that changed my life. I'm definitely going to miss it, especially seen as i'm returning to a regular desk job after two years of relative freedom and travelling. Will be interesting to see how I survive. The timing feels right though and Topdeck has said the door is always open, which is lovely.


So, this is me, on the precipice of real, adult, grown up, relatively normal life - here's hoping I survive!!